Planned Giving
Did you know that you can…..
- Arrange a gift that costs you nothing during your lifetime?
- Receive quarterly income for life in return for your gift?
- Give an asset you no longer need, such as life insurance, a collection, or a vacation home?
Such gifts are called “planned gifts” because with thoughtful planning, you can choose from financial options that help you accomplish one or more personal goals while supporting the Academy.
If you are interested in making a planned gift, we can help you tailor a bequest, evaluate a life income arrangement, or expedite gifts of assets such as real estate, business interest, life insurance, and art collections. Please contact the Advancement Team at
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Gifts That Cost Nothing During Your Lifetime
Designate Notre Dame as a beneficiary of your will, retirement plan, or life insurance policy.
Bequests, or gifts by will, are simple and flexible. Bequests leave you in control of your assets throughout your lifetime, and you can modify your gift to address changing circumstances. Through a bequest you can establish a legacy, honor a loved one, and benefit generations of Notre Dame students.
- How it Works
- Tips
- Beneficiary Designations
- How to Change a Life Insurance Beneficiary
- How to Change a Retirement Plan Beneficiary
- Why Retirement Plan Assets are a Prudent Choice
How it Works
Beneficiary Designations
How to Change a Life Insurance Beneficiary
How to Change a Retirement Plan Beneficiary
Why Retirement Plan Assets are a Prudent Choice
Gifts That Provide Lifetime Income
Receive income and tax benefits while giving to Notre Dame.
Charitable Remainder Trust
A Charitable Remainder Trust (CRT) is a powerful engine for benefiting yourself, your heirs, and the Academy of Notre Dame. It provides you and/or other beneficiaries you name with a stream of income for life or a period of years. After the trust terminates, the accumulated principal or “remainder interest” goes to the Academy of Notre Dame de Namur.
Gifts of Special Assets
Convert property to charitable support.
Paid-Up Life Insurance
If you are carrying more insurance coverage than you now require, donating a paid-up life insurance policy can enable you to convert the cash value in the policy into generous support of your choosing, whether a capital campaign or the annual fund.
The St. Julie Society
The Saint Julie Society was established in 2015 to recognize and honor all who name the Academy of Notre Dame de Namur as a beneficiary of a will, trust, retirement plan, life insurance policy, life income gift, or other type of planned giving arrangement. All are welcome to join the Saint Julie Society regardless of the size of their bequest or planned gift. By becoming a member of the Saint Julie Society, one joins the company of others in perpetuating the educational legacy of Saint Julie at Notre Dame. For more information, please contact the Advancement Team at