2024 ND Classic Committee
Brian and Molly Kelly P'22'27, Co-Chairs
Brian and Priscilla Fenlin P'26
Jennifer and Greg Doran P'24'27
Ed and Kelly Sweeney P'24'26
Dave and Lauren Westermann DiGiacomo '98 P'27
Peter and Kristin Sims P'27
Ryan and Kelly Edginton P'26
Custom Class: 2023_hr-logo
2024 ND Classic Sponsors
As of 9.12.2024
Cocktail & Dinner Sponsors
Mark and Karen Casale P'21
Brian and Molly Kelly P'22'27
Bill and Cindy DePiano McKernan '88 P'14'27
Ed and Kelly Sweeney P'24'26
Front 9 Flag Sponsors
All-Fill, Inc./ Ryan and Kelly Edgington P'26
Greg and Jennifer Doran P'24'27
Goldman Sachs
Back 9 Flag Sponsors
Javier and Carolina Coll P'27'27
CTDI/ Matt and Megan Parsons P'27'31
Class of 2025 Sponsorship
Doug and Kitty Corrigan P'25
Kevin and Linda Czachor P'25
Rich and Dana Mejzak P'25
Keith and Dina Walters P'25
Lunch Sponsors
Dave and Michelle Frank P'22
John and Candace Hickey P'12
Mike and Carol Lilley P'27
Vigilant Compliance, LLC/Charles and Elizabeth Martin P'31
Longest Drive Sponsors
Dave and Lauren DiGiacomo P'27
Brian and Priscilla Fenlin P'26
Mike and Brett Holloway P'29
Closest to the Pin Sponsors
Campus Services, Inc.
Ben Cross and Rosemary Connors '01
Tom and Kara Cullen P'24
Jim and Christine McGovern P'19
Registration Sponsors
Michael and Jen Falcone Ciarmoli '94 P'24'27
EFS Furniture
David and Amanda Friess P'22'25
Ted and Kristie Ganley P'22'29
Patrick and Danielle McIntryre P'29
M&T Bank
Family Sponsors
James and Deana Andrews P'24'28
Sean and Megan Bergin P'27
Campli Studios
Michael and Julia Croce P'29
Devine Brothers, Inc.
Brian and Priscilla Fenlin P'26
Don and Agnes Gillin Gayhardt '83 P'17
Dwight and Laura Hotchkiss
Paul and Tracy Liebezeit P'21
Paul and Megan Battle Nolen '99 P'27
Brian and Barb Phelan Riley '90 P'19'21'23
Michael and Jennifer Robustelli P'29
Peter and Kristin Sims P'27
Keith and Dina Walters P'25