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Visual Arts

We believe that offering an art program in a nurturing environment that is built on success develops each student’s self-esteem, and freedom to experimentthink critically, and take risks.

Art programs at Notre Dame are developmental, and all students in grades 6-9 take an art class each year. After grade 9, students can continue with art as an elective or major.

Students have the opportunity to experience art through field trips to leading museums in Philadelphia, New York, Washington, DC, and Baltimore.

AP Studio Art and AP Studio Art History have prepared our students to enter art and design programs at many fine colleges, including Rhode Island School of DesignSavannah College of Art and DesignPhiladelphia University, Syracuse University, the Art Institute of Chicago, and University of the Arts.

Visual Arts Course Offered

  • Middle School Art (Grades 6-8)
  • AP Art History
  • Introduction to Visual Arts (Grade 9-1 semester required)
  • Art 1: Foundations Part 1 
  • Art  2: Foundations Part 2 
  • Art 3: Drawing and Painting 
  • AP Studio Art
  • Ceramics (Handbuilding, Wheel Throwing and Advanced Ceramics)
  • Graphic Design
  • Photography

Fine Arts Faculty:
Mrs. Julie McNulty 
Mrs. Kate Rupertus 
Mr. Edward Adlington 
Ms. Jessica Turner 

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