At the Academy of Notre Dame de Namur, we believe that the fine and performing arts are both a creative and academic pursuit. Here, students learn to appreciate the creative process, solve problems, respect others’ forms of expression, and to work in groups. The arts faculty consider the development of imagination, creativity, and aesthetic judgment to be essential compliments to the critical thinking skills developed in other disciplines.
Inspiring Creativity
At Notre Dame, we believe that the Fine and Performing Arts are both a creative and an academic pursuit. By creating, students learn to appreciate the creative process, to solve problems, to respect others’ forms of expression, and to work in groups. The Arts faculty consider the development of imagination, creativity, and aesthetic judgment to be essential complements to the critical thinking skills developed in other disciplines.
Arts Faculty
Mrs. Pam Devenney - Art Department Chair, Dance & Musical Theatre Director
Mr. Nicholas Burbo - General Music, Liturgical Music, and Musical Theatre
Ms. Alexa Chambers - Dance
Mr. Ryan Lowrie - Instrumental Music, General Music
Mrs. Julie McNulty - Visual Arts
Mrs. Kate Rupertus - Visual Arts
Mr. Edward Adlington - Visual Arts
Ms. Jessica Turner - Visual Arts